Monday, September 16, 2019

Mid-September update

Hi students, parents and families!

Two weeks have gone by. Where have they gone? 

In French, we are reviewing reading and listening comprehension strategies, practising writing with a purpose and audience, and speaking and listening for meaning in a variety of contexts. We completed a homophone diagnostic quiz and will be working on homophones and Parts of Speech. 

In Science, we have been working on Scientific thinking and experiment tools and strategies. One framework for conducting an experiment is PEOE (Predict, Explain, Observe, Explain). Another is the Scientific Method. Ask your child about the Water in a Bucket activity and their Mystery Creature observations. We will be working on Safety next week and there will be a quiz on the thinking frameworks as well as Safety rules procedures.

We are still getting used to the rules and routines of the new year. Transitions between classes are still a bit tricky - ensuring to bring all materials for the next set of classes, and ensuring that your desk and chair are clear and clean for other students using your desks. I know it's tough, but you can do it!

Thank you to all students who have brought in boxes of tissue. I know it may sound like a lot, but we go through a ton of that here!

Families - If you have not already filled out and returned the beginning of year forms for the office, please do so at your earliest convenience. 

Looking forward to meeting your families this Thursday at "Meet the Staff night"!

Monday, September 2, 2019

Welcome to Grade 7/8 Doucas!

I am looking forward to working with all students and their families and I know we will have a fantastic year!